MCPC Kids: Let's Tell A Story!
Lounging on our ‘boat’
Periodically at MCPC the teachers sit down with one child at a time and invite them to ‘tell a story’ of their choosing. It can be real or imagined — and is almost always hilarious. Read on for some laughs!
“I was at the snow. I had so much fun. I had a snow party. And I didn’t go ice-skating. I haven’t ice-skated before. I needed to just sled with my unicorn sled, and now I go sledding all the time! THE END.” (5-year-old)
“Once upon a time there was a bunny named Noodge, and she was climbing on a rock and she fell off – and then she got up and she was feeling better. And then she went inside and told her MOM all about it! THE END!” (3-year-old)
“One time a long time ago dinosaurs were real and alive! But they died from the lava. They tried to run away but they just died. It’s really real — in real life! THE END.” (4-year-old)
Creating together: this happens everyday at MCPC, whether it’s a game, story, building or art project.
“Once upon a time I was walking down the street and I saw a lion (“ROAR!”) – and then there was many lions – there was many MANY lions – and then I bumped into an ELEPHANT – I bumped into many elephants! And then I found a rhino, and a cheetah, and a hippo – and then we found a HOUSE. We found MANY HOUSES. And we went into the houses. THE END.” (4-year-old)
“Once upon a time there was a little boy. He walked in the woods and he saw a little girl, and he was walking with the little girl and they saw a BIG DRAGON. Then they were eaten inside of the dragon, and they were trapped inside. Magic came into the little boy and the little girl, and they destroyed him [the dragon] – and they were free. THE END.” (3-year-old)
Our kids get the chance to be creative in so many ways. See what happens when they get a bunch of ribbons!
“First, there was a conductor, and he was lazy and didn’t have any passengers in his car. But then he was spooked by, ‘Wake me.’ Then there was an even louder voice: ‘Wake me!’ And then there was an even louder voice: ‘WAKE ME!!!’ The conductor looked high in the tree and in the sky. Actually it was not a ghost — it was a reindeer! Then, a passenger hopped on. After that he was startled by Santa! And then the music changed and he was the ghost in his car. THE END.” (4-year-old)
“A Lemming Story: First, the lemming took the yummy extra-large when the bear was not looking and eating his fish with his fork and knife. That’s when the clock struck 12. The bear said, ‘Lunch time,’ and started eating with his fork and knife… That’s when the lemming ran away with the yummy extra-large! THE END” (4-year-old)
As you can see, things get pretty silly around here…