Toddler Playtime
Toddlers aged 18–36 months and parents enjoy play and beginning socialization together. Let MCPC help you and your child adjust to social settings in a safe and friendly environment.
Each 90-minute class includes creative (messy!) art projects, large and small motor activities, music, and snack time. One-to-one parent or caregiver participation is required. Each family brings a snack to share once during the session and assists with clean-up after every class.
Registration for the SPRING 2025 is now open to the public! Don’t miss out and register today, spaces are limited!
To be added to the mailing list for the Summer 2025 session, please complete and submit this MCPC Toddler Playtime Interest Form.
Toddler Open House
The next Toddler Open Houses will be on:
TBD - please contact the Toddler Coordinator at
Bring your toddler to the Open House to meet the Toddler Playtime teacher and to see what the Toddler Playtime program has to offer.
If you can’t attend the Open House and would like to attend a 45-minute trial class to see if this program is a fit for you and your family, please contact the Toddler Coordinator at
the details
This program is designed for children ages 18–36 months.
Each class meets once per week for 90 minutes. An additional 15 minutes is set aside after class for basic clean-up time among all parents.
There are 6 to 15 weeks per session, depending on session and on holidays. Make-up classes are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Sessions occur four times throughout the year during Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. The school is closed during the month of August. **
** If due to poor air quality, some class days may be cancelled and refunded.
Parent Education
This year, our MCPC Director is providing weekly notes to give information, inspiration, ideas, resources, and encouragement to help our Toddler Playtime parents guide their amazing toddlers as they move through the world. A different QR code will be provided at class each week so you can read them at your convenience.
For questions, please ask your Toddler Playtime teacher or contact
Class Dates
Spring 2025 Session
April 7 - June 7 (9 weeks)
Saturday, May 24, 2025 (MDW)
Monday, May 26, 2025 (MDW)
class Times
Mondays: 3:30-5:15pm
Tuesdays: 3:30-5:15pm
Wednesdays: 3:30-5:15pm
Thursdays: 3:30-5:15pm
Saturdays: 9:30am-11:15am